Monday, 16 August 2010

We would like to congratulate ALL our newly weds and hope they have all the happiness that life can bring.

Something BIG is happening to Suhaag Photography very soon.

Watch this space to find out.

You will not be disappointed !

Sunday, 10 January 2010

While trying to finish off my website I thought I would post a few images of the brides & grooms I have photographed recently.....Enjoy

Getting the most out of your pictures

Once the wedding is over and your husband has whisked you away to live happily everafter, the work starts for me. I make it easy for you to get the best out of the pictures I have taken. The pictures are loaded onto the clients section of my site, this gives you an opportunity to view them and re-live the memories.

You are given a password which lets you view the photographs I have taken. So it doesn't matter if you are going on honeymoon you can view them anywhere in the world as long as you have access to a computer.

If you let me have your proofs back within six months then you will get your album within six to eight weeks, however, some of the storybooks take a little longer.
For this years brides and grooms we are bringing some great new albums. We have sourced some new suppliers and the albums are breathtaking.

Don't be disappointed but we will be continuing with some of the more popular albums too. So if you have seen a family or friends album that you like then we will be able to get it in for you.

We will also be continiung with our storybooks which really are fabulous and worth a look at (even if you decide not to go with us).

We can send out a demo CD for you to have a look at which will give you an idea of the quality of the work that we produce or you can visit our website.

We like to see our brides and grooms and talk to them and get to know them, there likes & dislikes, how they met and all the other intrinsic details.

Finally just like to say to those of you who have booked us that we are looking forward to meeting you again.

Have fun !

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Our new blogg

Hi Everyone, this is our new blog. I am only just getting used to to it.

Have you checked out our new website ?

Its grooovy.

Its all singing all dancing and I mean all singing and all dancing. Its got a collection of our latest weddings with smooth relaxing music in the background. (

Check it out and let me know what you think.

This is a picture of me so when we meet at least you know what i look like